Metin Bereketli: “I love Amsterdam”

Metin Bereketli: “I love Amsterdam” 

The American artist (of Turkish origin) Metin Bereketli who lives and works in California is crazy about Amsterdam. He recently made a painting in which he zoomed in from above on his beloved city.

Metin: I Love Amsterdam! The City of Freedom!  

And he quotes: "Zolang dit bestaat, en ik het mag beleven, deze zonneschijn, die hemel waar geen wolk aan is, zo lang kan ik niet treurig zijn."  

"As long as this exists, this sunshine and this cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I be sad?" 

-- Anne Frank 

Metin: "This original painting is not computer-generated. It is created with infinite patience by the artist Metin Bereketli -- by millions of free-hand strokes applied with a thin brush on canvas through the aid of a magnifying glass. That's why you need a magnifying glass to see all the fine details in this unique painting." 

"I Love Amsterdam" © Metin Bereketli 

23 november 2020
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